Most planning rests on the assumption that tomorrow will be like yesterday. We are seeing signs that the very basis for our economy may change rapidly. TSSEF urges strategists to pay attention to the interface between land functioning – ongoing changes, the nature of the firm, and where money is being invested. Careful consideration of these factors will help your firm navigate the future.
Is the basic paradigm of capitalism – the stock market listed firm – ceasing to perform properly?
Economist Micheal Roberts highlights the large percentage of corporations that are acting like zombies. That is to say they are just about servicing their debts but there is nothing left over for growth or shareholder dividends. Read his blog here: Beware of the Zombies.
An earlier signal came from the IMF who have entertained the notion that neoliberal policies have increased inequality and stunted economic growth. Read the FORTUNE Article here or go straight to the report.
The economic risks in the US are not to be underestimated. So too the other aspect of current capitalism, assets like stock or houses becoming with many more times than their earning capacity or replacement value. Sooner or later the value might collapse.
Added to the economic risks of the system itself is the ongoing oil depletion scenario where oil supplies will diminish faster than renewable solutions (including killing transport demand) can be implemented. If your organization has not yet implemented an oil policy you should consider putting this into your risk management even if you do not agree with all the warning signs laid out by the Irish FEASTA organisation.
Indeed, as the IMF are questioning neoliberalism, thinkers are coming up with radically new ideas to serve our needs ones that do not require capital-heavy corporations. One such is the idea of John Boik: Solving Problems That Matter Could Be the Next Big Thing.
The Swedish Sustainable Economy Foundation base in Stockholm is calling for an urgent re-think of one of the worlds most polluted seas. It believes the sea can be saved and the fossil-free economy kicked off at the same time.
The Natural Step has formulated a scoring system for firms called Future Fit.
Land functioning, indeed the functioning of the Earth system seems to be faltering at the edges, and many scientist are blaming mankind’s influence. you will probably be hearing more of the Anthropocene… the age when man affected the hole natural system. Witness the aptly-titled Guardian UK article “ Goodbye forever, friendly Holocene“.
Specifically, the challenge of water shortage is reaching many places including the forests and LaPaz in Bolivia.
This change in the climate system is affecting the food system. The world is about to see another famine, the first since 2011, spreading to four countries.
Initiatives of Change, the Caux Foundation and the Swedish Sustainable Economy Foundation are coming together to offer a conference on Investing in peace through land restoration in Switzerland, 13-115th July.
The conference will explore new opportunities to invest fiduciary capital in long-term land and peace initiatives.