This presentation is a longer version of the one prepared for a presentation at the Swedish Agency of Economic Growth.
Below is the presentation from Anders Höglund, the originator of the concept of flexible emission fees. Anders introduced the background to the concept.
The video above explains the Foundation’s emissions fee mechanism in more practical terms with an example of application to phosphorous conservation.
For a more detailed explanation, see our White Paper.
Natural Step founder, Karl-Henrik Robért, shared his perspective on the need to view sustainability from a long-term perspective, to work cross-discipline and in a unified framework. He states: “flexible fees offers an elegant pragmatic means for policy making to support strategic sustainable development”.
he last presentation came from Arno Rosemarin PhD, a Senior Research Fellow at Stockholm Environment Institute. Dr Rosemarin was invited due to his extensive research into the challenge of phosphorous.
“The strength of flexible fees is that the small consumer that goes green can be rewarded. With today’s fee system eg for fuels, water and electricity, efficient end-users get no rewards and only make it cheaper for the larger consumers. Phosphorus-use efficiency is something that needs drastic improvement since only 20% of the mined phosphorus ends up in the food we consume. So there are many levels along the chain from mining to fertiliser production to fertiliser use, food production, food choices and consumption and finally waste treatment and reuse where various economic instruments can be implemented. Flexible fees connected to choice of food (beef vs fowl) and the amount consumed is one area worth exploring. Even the whole area of solid and liquid waste is worth looking at since this has a utility-based fee structure.”