Kunskapsnivå: medel – hög
Huvudämne: Företagen och värderingear
Målgrupp: för Er som vill veta mer om hur man kan göra sin organisation mer värdeoroienterad
TID: 14:00 to 16:00, Monday, November 16th, 2015
PLATS: Hörsal Sydney Alrutz (13:026), plan 0, Blåsenhus, Kraemers Allé 1, Uppsala
REGISTRERING, For registration please enter your mail address and name here: http://goo.gl/forms/
Lecture and discussion with Christian Felber (www.christian-felber.at), initiator of the movement The Economy for the Common Good (ECG: www.ecogood.org/en). ECG is a social movement towards an economy for the common good and cooperation instead of profit-orientation and competition. It is actively supported by more than 2000 companies (including Sparda-Bank Munich, the Rhomberg Group and Vaude Outdoor).
In this two hours session Christian Felber outlines the ECG. Part of the ECG is the common good balance sheet a scoreboard to show companies contributions to human dignity, solidarity and economic sustainability. But is it an success? How does it work? How do stakeholders react to it? Why is it implemented? Is it a model for the future economy? All of that and a lot more can be discussed with Christian Felber in the second hour of the session.
Christian Felber is an internationally renowned speaker, contemporary dancer, lecturer at the Vienna University of Economics and Business and author of several bestsellers including: “50 Suggestions for a Fairer World”, “New Values for the Economy”, “Let’s save the Euro!”, “Change Everything: Creating an economy for the common good.” and “Money. The new rules of the game”. Christian also initiated the project “Bank for the Common Good”.
An interesting Guardian article: www.theguardian.com/
This event is a collaboration between CEMUS (www.cemus.se) and TIGE (http://www.iofc.org/
Place: Hörsal Sydney Alrutz (13:026), plan 0, Blåsenhus, Kraemers Allé 1, Uppsala (http://
Time: 14:00 to 16:00, Monday, November 16th, 2015
For registration please enter your mail address and name here: http://goo.gl/forms/
Related events: https://www.facebook.com/
See you!