In Berlin, the 5-6 March, The Swedish Sustainable Economy Foundation will participate in the European Sustainable Phosphorus Conference with its simulation of how dividend-bearing pollutant fees can apply to phosphorus in the circular economy.
The simulation will be accompanied by a detailed poster explaining how a modern approach to the economy, by introducing control engineering, can ensure that the economy performs to expectations.
Click on the image to download a .pdf version of the
The simulation pitches two teams against each other comprising government and industry. A third team represents the general public.
The simulation takes the form of a business game where the aim is to phase out pollution and phase out reliance on non-renewable resources while maintaining a sound economy.
The game uses a highly simplified scenario based in a fictive land. The Foundation hopes players and spectators will gain insights into:
- how price discovery will reveal the cost of pollution – the profit from externalisation
- how to levy pollution surcharges on existing fees and taxes
- dividend as a tool to drive sustainable consumption
- the psychological impact of the wide range of factors surrounding interventions like fees that raise consumer prices
- public reaction and politician popularity
- pollution costs and their impact on profit
Read more about our simulations here.
Read more about dividend-bearing pollutant fees here.
Download the poster here. Poster_berlin2