Contribute to the New Economy: Malaga April 2017 19-22

900 opinion leaders and social change-makers from more than 60 different regions are coming together to frame the new economy from the bottom-up.

Learn more here.

NESI Global Forum “New Economy and Social Innovation”, to be held on 19-22 April in Málaga (Spain) is a meeting place for people and organisations working to create a more sustainable, fair, collaborative and people-oriented New Economy.

Professionals and citizens are called to participate in this “Call for Proposals” open for those who want to share their good practices and/or solve a challenge through a collaborative process.

Any person, organisation, business, NGO, government as well as academic and research centres with some innovative story/experience to tell or challenge to face can send a proposal and have the opportunity to present it during the Global Forum NESI 2017.

Manifesto for a New Economy

What should be the general goal of the economy? Say the values that the economy should follow. Mention key-tags that inspire you. Which sentences should be included into the Manifesto.
From now until the date of the forum starts co-creation of the first
Manifesto for a New Economy
Join to this global process through answering some key questions:

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