Title: Environmental Fiscal Reform: practical ways for market based instruments to address the obstacles preventing the circular economy
Stephen Hinton is a member of the board of the Swedish Sustainable Economy Foundation and specialises in aligning environmental concerns with fiscal systems. He has been involved in several projects, including with the Nordic Council of Ministers, to explore the possibility of using market forces to drive a circular economy for nutrients. One of the Foundation’s recent initiatives is a role-play/business game that explores the assumptions behind fiscal instrument application and sustainable technology investment decisions. These simulations reveal a wealth of insight into possibilities to change economic paradigms.
Stephen’s presentation will focus on the fiscal approaches to overcoming barriers including:
- Behaviour: How to make doing right cheaper
- Information:Opportunities arising from the digitalised economy
- Efficacy:Where to apply instruments to encourage circularity
- Investment:Using money collected from fees to overcome investment barriers
- Political resistance: Ways to gaining political acceptance for extra charges
- Public Opinion: Different effects on public opinion and behaviour.
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