New research, using existing models, data, and studies will analyse, through a systems approach, what beneficial socio-economic changes may be under various scenarios that have emerged during Covid, applicable from December 2020 right up to 2050 and beyond. Further, it will assess whether it is possible, through policy changes, financial and other investments, to leverage these changes in pursuit of reducing the risks of climate change and of future pandemics. The proposed focus will be global, locations and regions chosen by stakeholders,. The results should support and may encourage the development of similar initiatives worldwide.
The study is being run by Resilience Brokers, supported by ICES Foundation and IBM, which is providing the modelling, AI and computing technology needed. Read the latest study description here.
The Swedish Sustainable Economy Foundation is offering its assistance where it can best be of help. Currently it is heading up workstream 21 – Sustainable Infrastructure.
Sustainable Infrastructure is the focus of Sustainable Development Goal 9. Infrastructure is important because once built and invested in as part of a business, it drives economic behaviour – including that which produces GHG – for a long time. For infrastrucuture to be sustainable requires a massive dis- investment in the most CO2 driving technologies as well as massive investment in conversion of existing infrastructure.
Volunteers needed
We are looking for volunteers to join our team (or one of the other 20 teams). The asignment is unpaid and you are expected to work independently from home.
The reseach volunteers will review exisiting literature for studies that confirm or refute the working hypotheses of the workstream and to identify and clarify gaps in research.
We expect the assignment will take a few hours a week.
You will report to the team via weekly meetings and use the project’s online tools to cooperate.
Your main contact will be Stephen Hinton from the Foundation via our contact pages.
Hi Stephen I saw the post on your FB so am offering my time to assist in this project.