The Foundation is proud to be attending this unique event that brings together companies, stakeholders, regional and national authorities, innovation and researchers, to discuss phosphorus and nutrients sustainability actions and policies. We will be presenting a poster on the Baltic Dividend.
Download the poster here. Poster_Helsinki
This Environmental Fiscal Reform Approach calls for a new sliding tariffs that are collected and distributed among all citizens. As tariffs are raised, industry will respond by introducing Baltic-friendly business practices, especially in how phosphorus is handled.
In particular, the conference will present and assess integration of phosphorus and other nutrients into EU policies since the publication of the EU Consultative Communication on Sustainable Use of Phosphorus (2013), enable dialogue with industry and stakeholders concerning future policies and see success stories from companies and environmental management. ESPC3 is jointly organised by the European Sustainable Phosphorus Platform (ESPP) and the Baltic Sea Action Group (BSAG), and supported by the Finnish Ministry of the Environment and the Finnish Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, and EasyMining, Kemira and Yara.
This third conference (ESPC3) follows from the first two such European conferences in 2013 and 2015, see SCOPE Newsletters 92 and 111.
Objectives of the conference are:
- Update on implementation of EU Commission Consultation on Sustainable Phosphorus, 2013
- Bring together different sectors concerned by phosphorus sustainability: agriculture and fertilisers, food industry, dietary choices and health, industrial applications, trade and resources (EU Critical Raw Materials), recycling and the Nutrient Circular Economy, environmental impacts
- Make links with soil organic carbon sequestration, climate change
- Showcase research and innovation and business success stories from across Europe
- Global scientists call for phosphorus sustainability (Our Phosphorus Future project)